The Bangor Liberty Bell

Sharing the News and Views of

Bangor Liberty Friends Church


February 2011   Volume 32, No. 2




The Land Between


          At some point in life we all enter “the land between.”  Something has changed your life, a loss, a crisis, a divorce, sometimes it happens suddenly and other times slowly but no matter how it happens we find our foundations shaken.  We cannot live as we once did and we need to turn to God more than ever.  I don't like “the land between,” but God does. “The land between” is His teaching ground, where He reveals to you that you can trust Him as your provider in all things.  It is the place where your faith can flourish, if you let it.  It is a pivotal point in your life where you draw near to God or withdraw to yourself.

          One of the best stories in the Bible of God leading His children through “the land between” is the story of the Israelites after their exodus from Egypt.  The story actually begins with God's promise to Abraham that his descendants will inhabit this beautiful land of Canaan. A land flowing with “milk and honey,” a place you do more than just live, you thrive!  After reading the story of Joseph in Genesis we find that the Israelites have ended up as slave labor to the Egyptians.  God's children are far from home and crying out for deliverance.  When God comes to their aid what the Israelites don't expect is that in order to get to the Promised Land they will have to cross the desert.  The desert is their land between!  It is here that God wants to teach them that He is their provider and sustainer.  Here in the desert life has changed for the Israelites and they can no longer rely on the rich delta of the Nile to provide their food and water, there has to be a new source.  And where do you think God had in mind for them to turn to have their needs met?  To Him, of course!  And we all know how the story ends, right?  The Israelites immediately turn their hearts to God and He provides and leads them straight to the Promised Land.  Well not quite, actually there was the opposite reaction and so it took 40 years for the Israelites to reach the border of the land of Canaan.  40 years were spent in “the land between!”  Why?  It didn't take them 40 years to get to Egypt so how come it took them so long to get home?  The reason is that God was using the desert to teach the Israelites to fully trust Him, even when it looked like there was no possible way that they could survive.  The desert was never meant to be their final resting place, just a place where they would be formed as a people and establish a solid, lasting connection and dependence with God.  And the Israelites just didn't get it! 

Instead of turning to God as their provider they began murmuring amongst themselves and complaining about how they wanted to go back to Egypt and into slavery rather than having to rely on God for provision.  Every time God would provide a miracle: i.e. manna, quail, water from a rock, parting the sea.... the list really goes on and on, it would be met with complaining from the people.  So much so that it took 40 years for the Israelites to learn to trust God as their provider!  And learning how to fully depend on God and trusting Him, that He could and would meet their needs was their only hope for not destroying themselves by turning to their worthless idols and the god Baal.  God didn't want to just lead them to the Promised Land; He wanted them to be able to thrive in it as a people and a great nation!

            Have you found yourself traveling through “the land between?”  Are you seeking how God wants to use this time in your life to teach you and grow your faith?  No, “the land between” is never fun, and no, you aren't meant to just make the best of it and live there like so many people do!  God made you to thrive!  That was made clear in the description of the Garden of Eden.  If you find yourself in “the land between” know that God wants to lead you out of there, to a place where you will thrive, designed for you by God, but you will have to follow as He leads and do as He says.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”  Proverbs 3, 5-6 

                                      Pastor Nathan


(Sadly, this is Pastor Nathan’s last Bell devotional as he submitted his resignation to Monthly Meeting, anticipating a move later in the spring.  An unexpected job opening in Ohio created a move on February 10th.   We are so thankful for the 2-1/2 years they spent with us and all they brought to our church family.  If anyone has an article they would like to submit for future newsletters, please submit it to a Ministry Counsel member:  John Good, Rick Bachman, Ray Willits, Kay Feltz, Shirley Davis or Robert Roe.)




       Remember In Prayer     

~Nathan & Shandra McCracken as they

    embark on a new chapter in their lives.

~BLFC Ministry & Counsel members and our

    pastoral search committee, our church family

    as we go through this transition period.

~All of our snowbirds

~Camp Quaker Heights staff as they plan for

    the summer camping season.

-Sam & Becky Barber in Belize - for their

    family’s health as they are feeling run down

    and being bombarded by a lot of viruses. 

    Also pray for their students at the school,

    that they master and retain what they need to

    know for their April exam.




-“Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.”  Francis of Assisi


-We need prayer the most when we have the least time to pray.


-Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.




Children’s Church

We’ll meet in the fellowship hall after the children’s message on February 6 and 20.  Lessons will encourage the children to build Godly character.  Our service projects will be to make valentines of encouragement for our mission workers and treats for the Embers.  Kids, ages 4 through grade 4 are welcome to participate. 



Bangor USFW

The February meeting will be at Betty Arterburn’s home, at 1:30 on the 15th.  Ann Nichols will bring the lesson.  The 2011 budget will be discussed. 



Specials & Blessings

          Contact Kay Feltz of the Praise and Worship Committee, or Diane Teske, if you have a special you’d like to share during a Sunday Worship Service, or if you know of someone who has something they’d be willing to share.


Liberty USFW          

Ladies of the Liberty USFW will be preparing and serving the South Hardin Kiwanis Sweetheart Supper on February 17th in the church fellowship hall.  Ladies are to be at the church by 6 p.m. to prepare.



Quaker Men’s Family Banquet

The annual Family Banquet sponsored by Iowa Quaker Men will be held at Wm Penn University Student Union on February 26th.  Check in begins at 11:30 with dinner at noon. Everyone’s invited!  Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door.  Reserve your tickets with Chuck Nichols.  Make checks out to “Quaker Men.”



Blizzard Blast - March 11th & 12th

This event is for youth, grades 5-8. Registration at 6:30 pm on Friday, First Friends Church in Marshalltown; pickup is scheduled for 7 am Saturday.  Speaker will be Brockie Follette.  Cost is $25 per person.  Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, athletic shoes, swimsuit, change of clothes, toiletries and your friends.  Parental permission/medical release forms are available at the church.



A Mission Reminder

          Our 3rd Sunday mission offering supports the Lindi Friends School in Kenya.  This school grew out of Lindi Friends Meeting’s vision for educating and bringing hope to the poor within the slum.  Kibera is a neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya.  It is the largest slum with a population estimated around 1 million.  The lack of sanitation combined with poor nutrition among residents leads to illness and disease. 

          The school strives to provide education at an affordable cost.  Pray for funds for the feeding program—often the only meal children get that day; teachers salaries; and for scholarships for Lindi graduates to go on to secondary school and make their way out of the slums.  Your 3rd Sunday offering is a big help to this ministry.



Mission Updates

The Barbers of Belize Friends School are praising the Lord that their Iowa house is rented and the first month’s rent has been received!  They ask that we pray for their health, specifically for Becky who has bronchitis and sinusitis.

Nathan & Brianne Martin in Cambodia praise God that Brianna (12 weeks pregnant) now has more energy.  They ask that we pray for her health and for Nathan’s travel to India in February to attend a conference.

The Peace Curriculum developed by Friends for grades 2, 3, 4, and 7 are available on the following website. You may also donate on this site:



Library Ledge: Marriage Builders

          Did you know a visit to your church library could improve your marriage?  It’s true!  During February the window ledge will display books to help you better understand your mate, spark romance, and develop deeper communication.

          Reading a book together such as A Very Good Marriage by Tom Mullen would be a good start.  Or pick up Dating Your Mate or 60 One-Minute Marriage Builders for other creative ideas.  A good marriage doesn’t stand still, it needs to grow or it will become stale.  Take a growth spurt in your marriage; check out a book or book-on-tape from our church library.



January HOC Meal Report

17 people provided a generous meal for 53 guests.  Our menu was shepherd’s pie with veggies, seasoned tomatoes, biscuits, mixed fruit, brownies, dump cake & cupcakes.  Thanks to our volunteers: Darlene & Mark, Ann & Chuck, Betty, Breanne & Nathan, Peggy & Neil, Diane T, John & Gladys, Wayne T, Vi, Betty, Shirley Landt, Mike & Charlene. Our next meal will be February 24.   



Valentine’s Day ‘love’   

-Kids’ definitions of love:

“Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.”  Herbert, age 6


“There are two kinds of love.  Our love.  God’s love.  But God makes both of them.”  Mary, age 5


“If you want to love better, you should start with a friend you hate.”  Jimmy, age 7