The Bangor Liberty Bell

Sharing the News and Views of

Bangor Liberty Friends Church


March 2005   Volume 26, No. 3

Keith Haisch, Pastor



Christmas is the Promise,

and Easter is the Proof.



Easter Services


-Easter Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m.  Royal Ranch -- Weather permitting

-Continental Breakfast at the church after the Sunrise Service

-Praise Service, 9:00 a.m.

-Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.

-Morning Worship, 10:30


Come celebrate with us the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!




I may not fully comprehend God’s love for me

Or why He sent His Son to Calvary,

I may not fully understand His wondrous grace

Nor can I all His ways or mercies trace.

I may not understand the Spirit’s work within

To change my heart and draw me unto Him.

But this I know That He forgave my sins when I believed

And peace and joy within I then received.

In Him I have a heritage secure

Which shall throughout eternity endure,

And though I cannot fathom all His grace

‘Twill be revealed…when I shall see Him face to face.

                                    Robert Nicholas



FUM Chain of Prayer Day

            Bangor Liberty will be participating in Friends United Meeting’s Chain of Prayer. Our day to participate is Sunday, March 13.



Friends United Meeting

2005 Triennial Sessions

July 13-17, 2005

Des Moines, Iowa,


Registration forms with conference information and fees are available from the church office. In order to make the FUM Triennial more family friendly, the costs for youth and children have been reduced.



News From Missions Committee

RAMALLAH: We have recently received a letter from John Hishmeh, who is a school counselor at the Friends High School in Ramallah. They have just started a very busy second semester. John works with the children who have poor grades to help them overcome some of the problems they experience. There are problems ranging from mental health disorders, to hyperactivity and general misconduct.

As the school counselor, treatment is often more behaviorally focused when students are failing classes and it becomes imperative to create initiatives to help them pass. It is a challenge to find ways of producing academic motivation in students who cannot produce it for themselves. John is very happy in his first year as counselor in Ramallah. He is having some problems learning to speak Arabic, but hopefully this will improve. The school has secured a grant in support of the Model United Nations (MUN) which they will do every year. This semester he will be taking a group of 12 students to Cairo for a MUN conference.


BELIZE: Andy and Lisa Stout are now established in Belize. They are learning from the Cains how to conduct business and are observing activities at the school. They are looking forward to taking on a more active role at the school and hopefully easing some of the Cains’ responsibility at the Boys School as the Cains pursue plans for building a high school at LaDemocracia. The Stouts ask for our prayers as they learn their new culture and new jobs, and to pray for them as a family as they are expecting their first child (a boy) in May. 


AFRICA: The FUM Africa Ministries office has been established in Kisumu. Eden and James Grace will be the directors. FUM has rented a house for the Graces. There is a generous size sitting room that will accommodate all the meetings and seminars planned for the future. They praise God that they have been blessed with this property. 


FRIENDS THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE:     Patrick Nugent has had a new baby named after him. Rose, their housekeeper, recently had a baby boy and they named him Nugent. Names are vitally important in Africa, and it is quite an honor for Patrick to have a little namesake in Tiriki. In January students returned to campus at FTC, which included the 3rd year students (55 in all), until the 3rd year students take their exams and depart for ministry. Students are enjoying spiritual formation activities on Wednesdays. Loni Stimac, the Peace Corps Volunteer, is providing the weekly Convocation series, focusing on public health and HIV/AIDS information for pastors. 


In April the Missions Committee will be sharing their selection of a new mission to whom we can pledge our support for a year. Steve and Marlene Pedigo at Chicago Fellowship of Friends received our support this past year.    

-BLFC Missions Committee



Thank You

Dear Bangor Liberty Friends,

I send my heartfelt thanks to each of you for the prayers, cards, and memorials given after my father’s death.  I have seen and felt God at work and know that is in part because of your prayers on my behalf. It is a privilege to be a part of this caring BLFC family.  Margaret Good




What’s Going On


Children’s Church

Our March lessons will involve learning about when Jesus walked on the water in Matthew 14:22-33 and celebrating Easter. Service projects will be to thank workers at Marshalltown Hospital rehab and therapy and making resurrection rolls in appreciation of our church family. Children, age 5 through grade 5, are welcome to join us on March 6 and 20th.


Liberty USFW

            Colleen Welch will be hosting the Liberty USFW ladies when they meet Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00 p.m. at her home. Ladies are reminded to bring their offering for the United Thank Offering, which will be taken that evening. Helen Settle will bring the program.


Help Send Youth to CQH

            Quakerdale is planning to send fifteen youth to camp at Quaker Heights this summer. Friends are encouraged to consider helping with the $200 per youth cost. Plus there is a cost for the salary of an overnight Quakerdale staff person to be on the campgrounds. If you want to contribute to the remaining need of approximately $2,500, please contact Dave Holm, Director of Spiritual Life at Quakerdale, by letter or email no later than early April.


Help Fill the HOC Supply Closet

March is our month to help donate items needed at the House of Compassion Supply Closet. People with low incomes may get 3 items each month from the closet. These are nonfood items that are needed for everyday living; things most of us take for granted. Following are those most needed at this time: Shampoo, Toothpaste, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, and Baby & Toddler size diapers. You can bring items anytime during the month of March and leave them in the large box in the entryway. Thank you for your help in this ministry.


Bangor USFW

The Bangor USFW will meet at Peggy Martin’s home at 1:30 on March 15. Peggy will share the remainder of the Chonda Pierce video. Refreshments will be provided by Betty. The Thank Offering will be collected and shared between two projects: Scholarships for Swift Purcell and Lyndale Children's Homes Happy Grove High School in Jamaica, and furnishing a treatment room at the Njoro Friends Health Center in Nairobi with cabinets, desk, chairs, blood pressure machine, stethoscope, sterilizer and some surgical equipment. Bring your pennies and small change.


Thank You!

            A BIG “thank you“ to all who have helped clear the church drive and parking lot of snow this winter. We appreciate your gift of time and resources enabling us to get around the parking lot with no difficulty in our vehicles!


Art of A Merry Heart

USFW Spring Fling

Saturday, April 9, 2005

The USFW Spring Fling will be held at Grinnell Friends Church with Barb Briggs leading the day’s fun-filled activities.

            The conference will include four sessions: Darts to a Merry Heart, The Start of a Merry Heart, Parts of a Merry Heart, and Warts on a Merry Heart. The presentation will be interactive, so ladies should come planning to be active participants! Registration cost is $10 including lunch served by Grinnell Friends ladies. Tickets are available from Margaret Good or Sharon K Johnson. Guests are welcome!


Opportunity to Help

            Currently the Emergency Food Box

located in Marshalltown, is in need of donations of tuna fish, canned tomatoes, carrots, applesauce, macaroni & cheese, chicken noodle and cream (mushroom, celery or chicken) soups.

            If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to the Emergency Food Box and put it in the offering plate or mail to EFB, P.O. Box 391, Marshalltown, IA 50158.

            Funds are used to pay handling charges for items we are able to get from the Food Bank in Des Moines and to buy canned goods and perishable foods locally.

            In 2004, the Emergency Food Box served 2,980 families who had been referred for help--an average of 57 families each week. Thank you for your support of this ministry.


House of Compassion

Report from February 26:

February 26 we served 39 guests hamburger vegetable soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, pickles and carrot sticks, peaches, applesauce, bananas, cookies, ice cream and milk. Our willing volunteers included Sharon KJ, Vi, Fern, Tom, Betty, and Sharon SJ who donated food or money; Betty, Fern & John who prepared; Deb L, Wayne T, and Mary who served; Neil, Wayne T, John & Deb who cleaned up and Neil who stayed to monitor with 6 men and 1 woman. One man was looking for work as a trucker so Neil suggested he contact Mara Transport and talk with John. Our next HOC responsibility will be Thursday, March 31.




Camp Quaker Heights Workday

Saturday, April 2nd

 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

There will be jobs for everyone!

Help the CQH Staff prepare

for the new season.

Lunch will be served!




The Library Ledge:

A Passion for Prayer - Five-Fingered Prayer

Your thumb is nearest to you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct, and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. 

The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders such as our president, leaders in business and industry. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. The fourth finger is our ring finger. This is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, or in trouble, or in pain. They need your prayers daily. 

Lastly our little finger is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. The Bible says, "The least shall be the greatest among you." By the time you have prayed for the others, your own needs will be put into a proper perspective and you will be able to pray more effectively. Remember to give thanks in all things and ask forgiveness.  And pray to do God’s will always!

For more encouragement check out the books about prayer on the library ledge!



Some folks are like Easter eggs -

ornamented on the outside and

hardboiled on the inside.



Our thoughts and prayers go to Diane Rogers and her family following the death of her daughter, Cynthia Rogers, on February 19th at their home in New Providence. Cindy was always upbeat despite her physical problems. She loved to write and she was a great encourager, always ready to pray for someone or for a need that had been expressed. She especially enjoyed children and shared several children’s messages while they attended BLFC. Services for Cindy were held at the Honey Creek-New Providence Friends Church on Thursday, February 24, with burial in the Bangor Friends Cemetery.


Motivation? Faith

I’ve never seen those pearly gates

Rising up above,

But I know Jesus awaits me there

To share His Father’s love.


Forgive me heavenly Brother,

When I falter, for I am weak

Through Your strength lies assurance

For the humble and the meek.


Through Your gracious sacrifice

I shall be forgiven,

By Your strong example, Jesus

To be good I am driven.

                        -Cynthia Jane Rogers