The Bangor Liberty Bell

Sharing the News and Views of

Bangor Liberty Friends Church


March 2008   Volume 29, No. 3

Dean Lambdin, Pastor




Group’s Power Lab VBS

            No matter what the weather is like today, it’s time to start thinking Vacation Bible School!  Mark your calendars for the evenings of June 1-6.  The Christian Education Committee desires that each of our church families be involved in some way to achieve the goal of ministering to at least 50 children! 

God will give us His Power to provide incredible music, hyper-speed games, mind-blowing Bible adventures and amazing crafts so that this week will be life changing as our kids discover Jesus’ miraculous power for themselves. 

Be in prayer as to how you can help with this important ministry to our church and community.  A signup sheet will be coming around.  See Margaret Good with your questions.




God almighty, our holy One
Conquering, victorious and risen Son
Saviour, Redeemer, Lord of light
You saved me, freed me, and gave me life
Is there a way that I can repay
What it cost you my Lord that fateful day?
When you gave your life upon the cross
For all mankind eternally lost
For I know I could never pay the price
The cost of your eternal sacrifice
For salvation is a gift that you freely gave
When you died and arose from the grave
The hope that came from your sacrifice
Is the hope we have of eternal life



Easter Services - March 23rd

-Early Service - time & place to be announced. (Probably not outdoors!)

-Sunday School, 9:30 AM, All classes will meet in the fellowship hall for a family SS time.

-Morning Worship, 10:30 AM



The Pastor’s Corner

Breaking the Chill

            For those of you who live in Iowa, you know exactly what the title of this article is leading up to, but for those of you in other areas of the country you’ll get my “drift” soon enough.  Let’s just put it this way, we’ve seen 52” of snow so far this season and 3.2” of it has occurred in the month of March.  We haven’t had a day around here since before early December that you could look out the window and not see snow somewhere.  Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining; it’s not like we’ve had to deal with ice storms or power outages for days, praise the Lord!  I have, however slipped and fallen on the ice more times than I care to remember this season.

I’ve been reminded of some words of wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes during these past few days, words that challenge us to remember how special and beneficial relationships are, especially our relationship with Jesus. Consider the words from the following verses:


         9   Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:

       10   If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

       11  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?      

       12  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NIV)


What we read here besides the obvious is the listing of benefits of a relationship with Jesus.  Sure you may be able to accomplish some things on your own, but with Jesus’ help, the aid of the Holy Spirit living in and through you, you can accomplish so much more than you were able to or would even attempt on your own.  Not to mention the fact that Jesus is always there if you stumble or fall to help you up and tell you it’s OK, let’s give it another try.  Jesus will even warm your heart when you feel cold and alone, all we have to do is seek His comfort like Proverbs 8:17 tells us: “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.”  When we stand alone we are a sitting target for the enemy’s attacks, but when we are in fellowship with Jesus, we will not be overcome.  Just like He promised Jeremiah, we also can lay hold of that same promise: “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.” – Jeremiah 1:19 (NIV).  That especially holds true with the more people that join in the fellowship, the bond of love, the strength of the fellowship, and the power of the Spirit working in and through that fellowship gets stronger and stronger.

            It may be cold and snowy outside, but I pray it remains hot and on fire inside.  After all if the cold begins to taint the fire inside and cool it off, what do you get?  That’s right, Lukewarm, and we all know how Jesus feels about that.  So let’s keep the cold outside and the fire inside and the fellowship strong!  Then we can take our fire outside and melt the rest of this snow away as we share the Good News with our friends and neighbors who need it!  Don’t worry, Jesus will give you a way to “break the ice” and squeeze Him into the conversation.




Needs at House of Compassion

Jean Bergen, Director of the House of Compassion, reports the following needs for their ministry.

Furniture:  Bookcases, dressers, storage containers and beds of all sizes.

Volunteers are needed for:

-Hauling furniture in a pick up truck.

-Supply Closet help, Mondays, 9:30-Noon

-Supply Closet help, 3 Tuesday afternoons a month, 1:00-4:30

-Member on the Shelter Team-1 needed

-Member on the Building and Grounds Team - with skills of a carpenter, electrician - all-around handyperson

-To volunteer call Jean at 641-752-5977 from 10:00-12:00 or 1:00-4:30 Monday-Thursday.



HOC February Report

            On a snowy night 18 provided a meal of chicken chili bean soup, cornbread and honey, carrots, celery and peanut butter, cheese, fruit cups, pudding or brownies, milk and coffee for 48 grateful guests.  Thanks to Royal & Paula, James & Sharon, Reg & Melidy, Tom & Pat, Bill & Rosalee, Bob & Veronica, Chuck & Ann and Robin Macy Wendt who donated food or funds; Betty, Fern & Wayne who served and helped with cleanup along with two men Jean called from the Church of Latter Day Saints.  Our next meal responsibility is March 27.  Dessert has already been planned!



Library Ledge: 

During the month of March you will find biographies displayed at our church library.  Following are just a few of the varied personal stories available for your enjoyment and learning pleasure. 

            Rebel With a Cause - audiotapes by Franklin Graham sharing his account of how he struggled and matured in his faith as the son of Billy Graham.

            Born Again – Chuck Colson writes about his Watergate days and prison life.

            Bad Girls of the Bible & Ten Girls who Became Famous are stories based on the lives of biblical women.  Check out the library ledge this month!



Thank You!

            Special thanks to Royal Young for helping with the snow removal from the church parking lot and driveways this winter!  We appreciate his service too!  We apologize for inadvertently omitting him last month.



Church Secretary Needed at

Marshalltown First Friends.  Approximately 20 hours per week with some degree of flexibility.  Please see the church website or call the church office for complete job description and further information:

OR call the church 641-753-7367

OR call the pastors 641-351-9806



Missions News

March 16th will be the last Mission offering for the roof of the Kaimosi Hospital in Kenya.  The construction for the roof was started last November.  Thanks to all who have supported this project.

Looking to this coming year’s pledges, the Missions committee has selected Judy Tatum Davis, a member of the Honey Creek/New Providence Friends Church.  She is a nurse and is planning to be at the Kaimosi Hospital in Kenya for this year.  We would like as a Church to help with her support.  Following is the projected expenses for her to serve at the Kaimosi Hospital.  Living expenses for 9 months - $18,000, COBRA insurance -$3150, laptop computer - $1500 (will donate to Kaimosi Hospital), International Flight -$2000 (to Nairobi & to Kamosi).  Total Expenses, $24,650. 

Judy is asking the churches of IAYM to help her meet this call.  The hospital board has assigned her to assist with the development of a strategic plan for the hospital.  Her administrative skills are in great demand there.  Judy spent 3 months in Kenya last year and she made the pivotal difference in the ability to turn around the administration and set them on a more positive course.

An update - The Kaimosi Hospital now has 5 new, well-qualified nurses for about $1000 per month. (That would be just $200 for each nurse.)  The hospital is receiving a record number of patients due to the violence in Kenya.  Another doctor and more nurses are needed to handle the patient load.  Food and supplies are limited and extremely expensive.  Please pray for Judy and the Kaimosi Hospital and seriously consider being a part of this calling for Judy and that she is where God wants her to be. We can help her to be there through our pledges for the coming year.  Feel free to pledge any amount, $5.00 or more a month (if 50 of us would give $5.00 that would be $250 a month. - $10.00 would be $500.)  Thanks for your prayerful support.

-BL Missions Committee    


*Contribute to FUMs Kenya Relief Fund to assist Friends projects & Yearly Meetings assisting needy refugees.



House of Compassion Supply Closet - Help fill the shelves!!

March is our month to help fill the box in the entryway with items for the House of Compassion supply closet.  Paper bags will be available for you to take home as a reminder and to carry your items back to the church.  There will also be a container available for financial donations.  Each month an average of 450 individuals or families come to the Supply Closet to choose 3 items that cannot be purchased with food stamps. 

Currently the most needed items are dish soap, paper towels, Kleenex, laundry detergent and over the counter medicines such as cold medicine and children’s Tylenol.  Please keep these in mind as you do your shopping and consider picking up an extra item to share.  Thanks in advance for giving these practical gifts of love to our neighbors.



Monday Night Bible Study

As we continue to delve into the fruit of the Spirit, we’ll be looking at the fruit of kindness and goodness.  Join the discussion in the fellowship hall each Monday at 7:00 PM.



Children’s Church

Children age 4 through 4th grade are welcome to participate in Children’s Church on March 2 and 16.  Our service projects will be to make tray favors for a nursing home and bake resurrection rolls to review the Easter story.



Shamrock Potluck

            Liberty USFW will be hosting a Shamrock Potluck Smorgasbord at the church on Wednesday, March 12th, 6:30 PM.  All adults of the church are invited to attend.  A sign up sheet will be available March 2 and 9 or contact Kay Feltz if you plan to attend.



Bangor USFW

The Bangor USFW ladies will meet at 9:30 at Peggy Martin’s home in Marshalltown on March 18th for a workday to make baby quilts.  Peggy will bring the lesson.  Lunch plans will be announced with Bess will providing dessert. 



 Friends University Concert Choir

Marshalltown Friends have asked BLFC to help them host the 70-80 Friends University Concert Choir members and their chaperones.  The choir will be presenting a concert on April 10th at First Friends in Marshalltown .  Please contact Pastor Dean or John Good if you can help with this need.



Diaper Drive

            The Stork’s Nest in Marshalltown is conducting a Diaper Drive during the month of March.  The Stork’s Nest is an incentive-based program that provides women access to needed baby items through their Stork’s Nest Store.  Women participating in prenatal and postnatal health care services and education opportunities in the community earn points that can be “spent” at the store.

The congregation is encouraged to participate by purchasing a package of diapers, size 1 and above, and dropping them off at the Stork’s Nest Office, which is located at 811 East Main Street in Marshalltown, or you may leave them in the church secretary’s office and they will be delivered.




Saturday, April 5, 2008, 10:00

Marshalltown Friends Church

Theme: Children of Promise

Speakers provided by Quakerdale

Program & Luncheon Cost $10

Sponsored by Iowa USFW

 You do not need to be a member to attend.  Contact Margaret Good

 or Sharon K Johnson if you’d like to attend.



Garrison Memorial Scramble

4 person Best Position Tournament

8:00AM Shotgun Start - April 19, 2008

Westwood Municipal Golf Course, Newton

$200 / team, includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch & prizes.


Registration forms are available at the church.  This event is named in honor of our good friend and colleague Ric Garrison who passed away in 2006.  The initial funds raised will be used for college scholarships for the children of Ric Garrison.  Then, once the scholarship fund is up and running, we will expand it out and make it available to anyone whose parent(s) is currently serving in some ministry dynamic with the real of the Friends body of Christ.   



Michael Card Concert, April 27

            Michael Card, Christian composer, writer and singer, will be in concert in Conrad on Sunday, April 27thfor the benefit of three young persons who live in our area.  Two BCLUW 8th graders, Dustin Shaver and Matt Mills, have cancer and are undergoing treatment.  Tristen Bales, a BCLUW 6th grader, has a disease that requires extensive medication monthly, to combat the premature aging of his body.  A freewill benefit supper is being planned prior to the concert at the BCLUW High School Commons in Conrad to help with the expenses these families face.  For more information or for tickets, call 641-366-2402.  The general admission tickets are at the reduced price of $15.00 each.